

[游戏音乐] 原神-炽炎交逐之原 Land of Tleyaoyotl【FLAC/百度盘】

配乐助手 发表于 2024-10-6 16:23:13 |评论: 4

原神-炽炎交逐之原 Land of Tleyaoyotl-1.jpg
专辑名称:原神-炽炎交逐之原 Land of Tleyaoyotl

《原神》纳塔篇OST《炽炎交逐之原 Land of Tleyaoyotl》正式上线,专辑分为《万火燎烈的祭场 Altar of Ardor Ablaze》、《群龙争驰的灼土 Saurian-Scorched Soil of Strife》与《纳塔战簿 Battles of Natlan》3张分碟,共收录78首由HOYO-MiX音乐团队为《原神》纳塔地区创作的原声音乐。

01. 纳塔 Natlan
02. 焚燔的欢歌 Jubilation of Calcine
03. 炎色的祝颂 Scarlet Song
04. 圣焰的嘉赐 Thanks for the Fire
05. 喧声凝寂时 After So Many Words
06. 无舞之舞 Undanced Dance
07. 夜影沉绵 A Night of Their Own
08. 紫锦草的闲息 Campa timoyetzticah, Cempaxochitl?
09. 炎石的王庭 Halls of Hueyteotl
10. 所爱者的遗赠 Bequeathed to the Beloved
11. 金珀的回声 Descendants of Ahkantenal
12. 嵴石的秘藏 Arcana of Zipacna
13. 岩脉的节律 Beat of Boulders
14. 烈阳的祷祀 Baba we Twasali
15. 崖砦游风, The Heights of Rumikunamanta
16. 玉裙月帔 Whirl of Chalchiuhtlicue
17. 归火的传咏 Sifu Moto
18. 山王的回火颂 Cuicatl of Kongamato
19. 浪暖风柔 Makani 'olu'olu
20. 木槿花的遐想 Reverie of Pua Aloalo
21. 流泉醉月 Dazzling Moon of Metztli
22. 蓝岸铃语 Chimes on the Blue Shore
23. 虹彩缀花 Rainbow Leis
24. 水色约定 Promises by the Spring
25. 悠逸的时日 Moment of Solace
26. 炎威的燎告 Blazing Proclamation
27. 炽烈的还魂诗·众灵颂 Ode of Resurrection_ Doxology
28. 炽烈的还魂诗·节录 Ode of Resurrection_ Excerpt
29. 时无重至 ___Times Come Again No More
30. 幽域翛翛 Realm of Ethereal Murk
31. 俾夜为火 Blaze of Fervent Night
32. 继古述名 Inheritance of an Ancient Name
33. 厄境之喻 Metaphor for Calamity
34. 小小的新朋友 Introduction to a Little Friend
35. 绵远的诀别 A Distant Farewell
36. 逐火如弦 Chasing Flames Like Strings
37. 述予簇花 Flower Writing
38. 谧息之梦 Dream of Tranquility
39. 盛宴与嘉赏 Feast and Bounty
40. 邃谷泉鸣 Chirping of Canyons
41. 当雨云聚集时 When Rain Clouds Gather
42. 雾霭中的节令 Fog of the Seasons
43. 绿咬鹃的游萦 Quetzal's Yearning
44. 纯稚的奇想 Delightful Whimsy
45. 夕照留歌 Eventide Chant
46. 静夜的轻语 Silent Voices of the Night
47. 暮色落音尘 Dust of Dusklands
48. 笛中夜明 Flute of Uilacapitztli
49. 芊萰一梦 A Harvest of Dreams
50. 待晓籁再度奏响 Until the Morning After
51. 风清月白 The Nocturnal Firmament's Luster
52. 余霞散绮 Shedding Twilight
53. 旷古的荣业 Above the Glorious Crown
54. 天光煦暖 Cozy in the Light
55. 柔风凝湛之地 Where the Breeze Stills
56. 静界浅眠 Moon of Hanan Pacha
57. 溶水的铃歌 The Sea and the Bells
58. 夜愿悠远 The Nights' Wish
59. 悬木的捕风人 Striving for the Wind
60. 旧世流光 Glow of Nawpa Pacha
61. 幻写游音 Whistles of Monetoo
62. 铄石铸金 Foundry of the Golden
63. 深壑的煅火 Ravine's Calcination
64. 交叠的砾岩 Land of Tecalco
65. 烬上筑塔 House of Cinders
66. 盗火者的追忆 Reminiscent of the Stolen Flame
67. 炽土熏灼 Breath of Blazing Earth
68. 坠火与浮烟 Smoke of Fallen Flames
69. 艰虞之途 Arduous Path
70. 日暮途远 A Long Way Gone
71. 灵与尘的挽歌 Dirge of Soul and of Dust
72. 洞隐烛微 Delving Into the Hidden
73. 苍原的颂灵歌 Anthem of the Savannah
74. 预见的征程 Venture of Tonalamatl
75. 炽火之舞 A Dance in Fire
76. 厄夜深冥 Grim Is the Night
77. 辉闪驰行 Lightning Racing
78. 游光逐虹 Chasing the Rainbow


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suezou 发表于 2024-10-6 21:44:30
shuiyuhuadie 发表于 2024-10-7 11:14:45
zhongzean 发表于 2024-10-7 16:37:40
wasjz 发表于 5 天前

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