[欧美原声] 继承之战 第三季 电视剧原声带【FLAC/百度盘】 |
![]() 专辑名称:Succession: Season 3 (HBO Original Series Soundtrack) (继承之战 第三季 电视剧原声带) 艺术家:Nicholas Britell 唱片公司:HBO Succession III - Score Album 文件格式:FLAC 专辑简介: HBO剧《继承 Succession》由电影《大空头》编剧导演Adam McKay执导并监制﹑Jesse Armstrong(负责编剧)与Will Ferrell参与制作,该剧围绕国际媒体巨头Roy一家的家庭丑闻内幕,这虽是虚构的故事,不过主创表示剧集有影射媒体巨子Sumner Redstone。 剧中Logan Roy及他的四个孩子控制着全球最大的媒乐媒体集团之一,年迈的父亲(Brian Cox饰)开始退出公司,而他的孩子则思索如何抓紧机会继承这帝国。其余演员包括Jeremy Strong﹑Hiam Abbass﹑Sarah Snook﹑Kieran Culkin﹑Alan Ruck﹑Nicholas Braun﹑Matthew Macfadyen﹑Natalie Gold﹑Peter Friedman及Rob Yang。 《继承之战》的配乐由作曲家Nicholas Britell创作,其音乐风格独特,融合了华丽、黑暗、背叛、撕裂和救赎的元素,形成了一种“黑暗的古典”范式。 《继承之战》的配乐在音乐上取得了成功,而获得了艾美奖的认可,则是证明了其在电视配乐领域的卓越成就。该剧的音乐创作源于作曲家与剧集主创Jesse Armstrong的早期谈话、以及对拍摄现场的探访。Nicholas Britell观看试播,特别是大家长洛根·罗伊和他的儿子、原继承人肯道之间的一场争执戏,由此得到了创作的灵感。 Britell的音乐展现了一种“黑暗古典”的风格,既融合了古典主义,也有现代元素,通过不和谐的和弦、戏剧性的弦乐和808节拍组合,室内乐及交响等,创造了这场独特的听觉盛宴。他的音乐仿佛唤醒了古老的灵魂,华丽与黑暗、背叛与救赎在音乐中互相交织,为剧集增添了深厚的情感层次和视觉冲击力。 Nicholas Britell的这一创作过程和成果,不仅在艺术上取得了高度评价,也在业界获得了认可。在第20届世界原声音乐大奖中,他凭借《继承之战》获得“年度最佳电视配乐”,这个大奖也进一步证明了其在电视配乐领域的突出贡献。 曲目列表: 1.Nicholas Britell - _My Dear, Dear, World of a Father_ 2.Nicholas Britell - “Sorry, Pinky” 3.Nicholas Britell - “Tuscany” Suite for Piano and Bass 4.Nicholas Britell - “Tuscany” Suite for Piano and Orchestra 5.Nicholas Britell - A Piacere - Orchestra (Orchestra Variation) 6.Nicholas Britell - A Piacere di Nuovo 7.Nicholas Britell - Adagio in C Minor 8.Nicholas Britell - Allegro in F Minor - Arrival at Waystar 9.Nicholas Britell - Andante Agitato - End Credits - “The Raid” 10.Nicholas Britell - Andante Con Moto - Strings in E-flat Minor 11.Nicholas Britell - Andante Espressivo - String Orchestra - _Number One Boy_ 12.Nicholas Britell - Andante in C Minor - Solo Piano (Solo Piano Variation) 13.Nicholas Britell - Andante in C Minor 14.Nicholas Britell - Andante Moderato - End Credits - _Amen_ 15.Nicholas Britell - Andantino for Brass and Orchestra in B Minor 16.Nicholas Britell - Austerlitz - Allegretto 17.Nicholas Britell - Austerlitz - Allegro Moderato 18.Nicholas Britell - Bell and Pizzicato Fantasia 19.Nicholas Britell - Bell Atmospheres 20.Nicholas Britell - Clarinets and Strings 21.Nicholas Britell - Dark Minuet 22.Nicholas Britell - Dolce Pianos and Strings - _Il Viaggio” 23.Nicholas Britell - Elegy - Strings 24.Nicholas Britell - End Credits - _Action That_ 25.Nicholas Britell - End Credits - Choir and Orchestra - _With Open Eyes_ 26.Nicholas Britell - End Credits - Vivace Appassionato in G Minor 27.Nicholas Britell - Furioso in F Minor 28.Nicholas Britell - Impromptu No_ 1 for Strings - End Credits - “Chiantishire” 29.Nicholas Britell - Impromptu No_ 1 in C Minor for Piano 30.Nicholas Britell - Impromptu No_ 2 for Piano and Orchestra 31.Nicholas Britell - Interlude - Ricercare - _On the Lot_ 32.Nicholas Britell - It's Done 33.Nicholas Britell - Lamentoso - _Needy Love Sponges_ 34.Nicholas Britell - Lamentoso - Clarinets, Piano, Pizzicato Strings 35.Nicholas Britell - Lamentoso - Piano, Oboes, Strings 36.Nicholas Britell - Langsam - _We Gave It a Go_ 37.Nicholas Britell - Largo Doloroso - Strings 38.Nicholas Britell - Lento Nobile + Lento Pizzicato 39.Nicholas Britell - Marcato e con Forza 40.Nicholas Britell - Milan - Promenade 41.Nicholas Britell - Million Dollar Home Run 42.Nicholas Britell - Minuet in B Minor 43.Nicholas Britell - Minuet in C Minor - English Horn - _I Need You_ 44.Nicholas Britell - Minuet in C Minor - Strings and Viola Solo 45.Nicholas Britell - Molto Grave - Recessional 46.Nicholas Britell - Mysterium - Strings 47.Nicholas Britell - Nocturne - Piano and Strings 48.Nicholas Britell - Phone Call 49.Nicholas Britell - Piano Solo + Elegy for Orchestra - _Logan's Return_ 50.Nicholas Britell - Pianos + 808 + Beat - _Welcome Home” 51.Nicholas Britell - Power - Instrumental (Inst_) 52.Nicholas Britell - Ricercare - Strings and Voices - Bonus Track 53.Nicholas Britell - Rigaudon 54.Nicholas Britell - Satyricon - Instrumental 55.Nicholas Britell - Scherzo in F Minor - Piano and Bass 56.Nicholas Britell - Scherzo in F Minor - Strings 57.Nicholas Britell - Serenade in E-Flat Major 58.Nicholas Britell - Serenata - _Il Viaggio_ 59.Nicholas Britell - Sinfonietta in A Minor - Strings Variation - “The Photo” 60.Nicholas Britell - Strings + 808 + Beat 61.Nicholas Britell - Strings Con Fuoco 62.Nicholas Britell - Succession - Andante Risoluto 63.Nicholas Britell - Succession - End Title Theme - Brass Quintet Variation (Brass Quintet Variation) 64.Nicholas Britell - Succession - End Title Theme - Piano and Cello Variation (Piano and Cello Variation) 65.Nicholas Britell - Succession - End Title Theme - Strings and Winds Variation (Strings and Winds Variation) 66.Nicholas Britell - Succession (Main Title Theme) (Main Title Theme) 67.Nicholas Britell - Theme Variation - Piano, Orchestra, 808 68.Nicholas Britell - Waystar Royco Corporate Identity - _Feel It!_ 69.Nicholas Britell _ Kendall Roy - Honesty 下载地址:
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