Popular Hong Kong TV & Movie Themes(香港管弦樂團電視電影名曲選)
Creator:香港管弦樂團 (Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra) ; Varujan Kojian (高治亞)
Released: 2016
Notes:Previously released on Hong Kong Records in 1983
01. 鐵血丹心 = Legend of the condor heroes
02. 找不著藉口 = There is no excuse
03. 喝采 = Encore
04. 青春三重奏 = Young trio
05. 忘盡心中情 = The legend of Master So
06. 上海灘 = Shanghai bund
07. 不了情 = Everlasting love
08. 風塵淚 = Tears of a fallen woman
09. 舊夢不須記 = Once upon a time
10. 浮生六劫 = Gone with the wind
11. 再向虎山行 = Go to Fu Shan again