[欧美原声] 《魔戒/指环王》系列三部曲原声带10CD【FLAC/百度盘】 |
![]() 2005 -《指环王 :护戒使者》电影原声完整版 - The Fellowship of the Ring [Complete Recordings] 【3CD】 艺人:Howard Shore 唱片公司:Reprise 发行时间:2005年 专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐 ![]() 2006 - 《指环王:双塔奇兵》电影原声完整版 - The Two Towers [Complete Recordings] 【3CD】 艺人: Howard Shore 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Reprise 发行时间: 2006年11月07日 专辑类别: 录音室专辑 专辑风格: 原声 Soundtrack, 电影原声 Film Score ![]() 2007 - 《指环王:王者归来》电影原声完整版 - The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]【4CD】 艺人:Howard Shore 唱片公司:Reprise Records 发行时间:2007年11月07日 专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐 资源格式 :BK+flac分轨+1og 专辑介绍:英国鬼才导演彼得杰克森结合最新电影特效的魔幻新作,根据托尔金畅销全球的经典小说「魔戒三部曲」改编,并以三部曲的方式拍摄,「首部曲—魔戒现身」描述史前世界中,一位名叫佛罗多巴金的年轻人,无意中得到了一只魔戒。这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原来是黑暗君王索伦所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。佛罗多决定将戒指摧毁,以免索伦夺回去巩固自己的势力。索伦为了阻止佛罗多,于是派出了手下的怪兽加以追杀,一场正邪大战眼看著一触即发…本片背景是在神秘的史前时代,由一场正邪战役所引发的长篇故事,这个拯救人类的危险任务落在年轻的哈比族人—佛罗多巴金身上,他从表哥巴伯那里得到了一指无邪的魔幻戒指。佛罗多发现这只戒指的制造者是黑暗魔君索伦,而索伦正急著要把戒指找回去。因为这只戒指是代表伟大邪恶势力的魔戒,将使索伦统治下的人民得到解放,而他统治的这片土地就是俗称的中土世界。匆忙之下,佛罗多结合了一些救援力量包括了术士小精灵、侏儒及人类,一起协助他前往中土世界,将戒指丢入魔宫之洞的末日山脉中加以摧毁... 《指环王》以四项奥斯卡大奖震惊全世界,其中电影原声音乐获第74届奥斯卡最佳原创配乐大奖。汇集了爱尔兰New Age音乐女王Enya和擅长惊栗片配乐的Howard Shore这两位蛮声国际的音乐人为该片创作的电影原声大碟《指环王》也将是一张绝对值得广大乐迷和影迷期待和珍藏的原声专辑。无论是Enya为该片创作的主题曲《May it be》,还是Howard Shore在该片中气势磅礴的配乐,都能让你体验到那种只有在梦中才能体验的感觉。由Howard Shore配乐的《指环王》三部曲囊括2004年第76届奥斯卡奖11项大奖,最佳电影歌曲、最佳电影配乐双奖齐收。2004格莱美、奥斯卡双重终极肯定。雄霸世界影坛的电影三部曲《指环王》系列大结局《王者归来》一经亮相,立刻横扫全球票房,2004年奥斯卡奖一举拿下十一项!全盘把握巨作音乐创作和监制的国际级电影音乐大师霍华德·休尔,在凭借《指环王》首部曲《友谊之戒》,拿下2002年奥斯卡最佳电影原著音乐大奖;2003年格莱美最佳电影配乐大奖;《指环王》二部曲《双塔奇兵》荣获2004年格莱美最佳电影配乐大奖之后,再次征服奥斯卡数千评委,以其深沉撞击视听情绪的壮丽乐章,铺开指环的冒险诗篇。继在《指环王》首部曲《友谊之戒》中,邀请音乐精灵恩雅配唱主题歌之后,这次在《指环王》系列大结局《王者归来》中,霍华德·休尔特别邀请出全英音乐奖特别成就奖/公告牌世纪奖双料得主,爱尔兰流行音乐女皇安妮·莱诺克斯(Annie Lennox)献唱凄美动人的片尾主题曲《西行漫记》(Into The West),而如同恩雅凭借《指环王》首部曲《友谊之戒》主题歌《祝愿》(May It Be),拿下奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲一样, 2004年的最佳电影歌曲,也是非《西行漫记》不可。本专辑中,霍华德·休尔同时力邀爱尔兰长笛大师:詹姆斯高威爵士(Sir James Galway)与著名女高音芮妮·芙莱明(Renee Fleming)分别为乐曲营造意境美感,升华雄伟性灵,影片中饰演亚拉冈的维果摩顿森(Viggo Mortensen)也在本原声专辑中献声。从满怀壮志的英雄情怀,到力拔山河的对战气势,霍华德·休尔透过繁复的音乐配器,融合古典交响乐、圣乐唱诗、挽歌、军乐进行曲、世界音乐、电子乐、新世纪音乐等不同类型曲式的创作精神,完美雕琢出这段流露悲壮、荣耀、奇幻、神圣光芒的冒险传奇。 专辑曲目: 2005 -《指环王 :护戒使者》电影原声完整版 - The Fellowship of the Ring [Complete Recordings] 【3CD】 The Fellowship of the Ring [Complete Recordings] CD1: 01 - Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All 02 - The Shire 03 - Bag End (feat. "The Road Goes Ever On" performed by Ian McKellen) 04 - Very Old Friends 05 - Flaming Red Hair 06 - Farewell Dear Bilbo 07 - Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe (feat. "The Road Goes Ever On" and "Drinking Song" performed by Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd (Drinking Song) and Ian Holm (The Road Goes Ever On)) 08 - A Conspiracy Unmasked 09 - Three is Company 10 - The Passing of the Elves (performed by Plan 9) 11 - Saruman the White 12 - A Shortcut to Mushrooms 13 - Strider 14 - The Nazgul (feat. "The Song of Luthien" performed by Viggo Mortensen) CD2: 01 - Weathertop 02 - The Caverns of Isengard 03 - Give Up the Halfling 04 - Orthanc 05 - Rivendell 06 - The Sword that Was Broken 07 - The Council of Elrond Assembles (feat. "Aniron" (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen) performerd by Enya) 08 - The Great Eye 09 - Gilraen's Memorial 10 - The Pass of Caradhras 11 - The Doors of Durin 12 - Moria 13 - Gollum 14 - Balin's Tomb CD3: 01 - Khazad-Dum 02 - Caras Galadhon (feat. "Lament for Gandalf" performed by Elizabeth Fraser) 03 - The Mirror of Galadriel 04 - The Fighting Uruk-Hai 05 - Parth Galen 06 - The Departure of Boromir 07 - The Road Goes Ever on... Pt. 1 08 - May It Be (performed by Enya) 09 - The Road Goes Ever on... Pt. 2 (feat. "In Dreams" performed by Edward Ross) 2006 - 《指环王:双塔奇兵》电影原声完整版 - The Two Towers [Complete Recordings] 【3CD】 The Two Towers [Complete Recordings] CD1: 01 - Glamdring 02 - Elven Rope 03 - Lost in Emyn Muil 04 - My Precious 05 - Ugluk's Warriors 06 - The Three Hunters 07 - The Banishment of Eomer 08 - Night Camp 09 - The Plains of Rohan 10 - Fangorn 11 - The Dead Marshes 12 - "Wraiths on Wings" 13 - Gandalf the White 14 - The Dreams of Trees 15 - The Heir of Numenor 16 - Ent-draught CD2: 01 - Edoras 02 - The Court of Meduseld 03 - Theoden King (feat. "The Funeral of Theodred" performed by Miranda Otto) 04 - The King's Decision 05 - Exodus from Edoras 06 - The Forests of Ithilien 07 - One of the Dunedain (feat. "Evenstar" performed by Isabel Bayrakdarian) 08 - The Wolves of Isengard 09 - Refuge at Helm's Deep 10 - The Voice of Saruman 11 - Arwen's Fate (feat. "The Grace Of The Valar" performed by Sheila Chandra) 12 - The Story Foretold 13 - Sons of the Steward 14 - Rock and Pool 15 - Faramir's Good Council CD3: 01 - Aragorn's Return 02 - War is Upon Us 03 - "Where is the Horse and the Rider?" 04 - The Host of the Eldar 05 - The Battle of the Hornburg 06 - The Breach of the Deeping Wall 07 - The Entmoot Decides 08 - Retreat (feat. "Haldir's Lament" performed by Elizabeth Fraser) 09 - Master Peregrin's Plan 10 - The Last March of the Ents (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 11 - The Nazgul Attack 12 - Theoden Rides Forth (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 13 - The Tales That Really Matter 14 - "Long Ways to Go Yet" (feat. "Gollum's Song" performed by Emiliana Torrini) 2007 - 《指环王:王者归来》电影原声完整版 - The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]【4CD】 The Return of the King [Complete Recordings] CD1: 01 - Roots and Beginnings 02 - Journey to the Cross-roads 03 - The Road to Isengard 04 - The Foot of Orthanc 05 - Return to Edoras 06 - The Chalice Passed 07 - The Green Dragon (feat. Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan) 08 - Gollum's Villainy 09 - Eowyn's Dream 10 - The Palantir 11 - Flight from Edoras 12 - The Grace of Undomiel (feat. Renee Fleming) 13 - The Eyes of the White Tower 14 - A Coronal of Silver and Gold 15 - The Lighting of the Beacons CD2: 01 - Osgiliath Invaded (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 02 - The Stairs of Cirith Ungol 03 - Allegiance to Denethor 04 - The Sacrifice of Faramir (feat. "The Edge of Night" performed by Billy Boyd) 05 - The Parting of Sam and Frodo 06 - Marshalling at Dunharrow 07 - Anduril - Flame of the West 08 - The Passing of the Grey Company 09 - Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 10 - Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 11 - The Paths of the Dead 12 - The Siege of Gondor 13 - Shelob's Lair 14 - Merry's Simple Courage CD3: 01 - Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld 02 - Shelob the Great 03 - The Tomb of the Stewards 04 - The Battle of the Pelennor Fields 05 - The Pyre of Denethor 06 - The Mumakil 07 - Dernhelm in Battle 08 - "A Far Green Country" 09 - Shieldmaiden of Rohan 10 - The Passing of Theoden 11 - The Houses of Healing (feat. Liv Tyler) 12 - The Tower of Cirith Ungol 13 - The Last Debate (feat. "Asea Aranion" performed by Sissel) 14 - The Land of Shadow 15 - The Mouth of Sauron (feat. Sir James Galway) 16 - "For Frodo" (feat. Ben Del Maestro) CD4: 01 - Mount Doom (feat. Renee Fleming) 02 - The Crack of Doom 03 - The Eagles (feat. Renee Fleming) 04 - The Fellowship Reunited (feat. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn's Coronation Vocal Melody) and Renee Fleming) 05 - The Journey to the Grey Havens (feat. Sir James Galway) 06 - Elanor (feat. Sir James Galway) 07 - Days of the Ring (feat. "Into the West" performed by Annie Lennox; vocals by Renee Fleming) 08 - Bilbo's Song
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