主题曲"Let It Go"斩获奥斯卡「最佳原创歌曲」 推荐曲目:
Let It Go 随它吧
Let It Go-Single Version 随它吧(黛米洛瓦托演唱版)
Let It Go 随它吧(姚贝娜演唱中文版)
《冰雪奇缘中文版电影原声带》英文原版全美狂销百万获白金认证,蝉联告示牌专辑榜与原声带双榜冠军。中文版全球独家收录内地公映版完整电影插曲,精彩加收:Demi Lovato献唱英文版主题曲“Let It Go”+姚贝娜献唱中文版主题曲“随它吧”。中文版电影原声带完美还原电影中文配唱精彩瞬间,完整收录电影中文配唱和中英文主题曲。英文版电影原声大碟蝉联Billboard告示牌冠军超过10周,全美专辑销量突破200万张,单曲销量突破600万首,全球专辑总计销量突破450万张大关。专辑在美国,韩国,阿根廷,英国,法国,加拿大等地获白金唱片认证。在新西兰,日本,波兰,新加坡,澳大利亚等地获金唱片认证。主题曲“Let It Go”斩获奥斯卡“最佳原创歌曲”以及金球奖“最佳原创歌曲”提名。Demi Lovato版本英文主题曲“Let It Go”在美国获得白金单曲认证。另外,中国特别版收录姚贝娜演唱中文版主题曲“随它吧”,同时胡维纳也精彩献唱剧情版“随它吧”。
01. Frozen Heart (Performed by Cast)
02. Do You Want to Build a Snowman? (Performed by Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn and Katie Lopez)
03. For the First Time in Forever (Performed by Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel)
04. Love Is an Open Door (Performed by Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana)
05. Let It Go (Performed by Idina Menzel)
06. Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Performed by Jonathan Groff)
07. In Summer (Performed by Josh Gad)
08. For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) (Performed by Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel)
09. Fixer Upper (Performed by Maia Wilson and Cast)
10. Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) (Performed By Demi Lovato)
11. Vuelie (Featuring Cantus) (Score)
12. Elsa and Anna (Score)
13. The Trolls (Score)
14. Coronation Day (Score)
15. Heimr àrnadalr (Score)
16. Winter's Waltz (Score)
17. Sorcery (Score)
18. Royal Pursuit (Score)
19. Onward and Upward (Score)
20. Wolves (Score)
21. The North Mountain (Score)
22. We Were So Close (Score)
23. Marshmallow Attack! (Score)
24. Conceal, Don't Feel (Score)
25. Only An Act of True Love (Score)
26. Summit Siege (Score)
27. Return to Arendelle (Score)
28. Treason (Score)
29. Some People Are Worth Melting For (Score)
30. Whiteout (Score)
31. The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise) (Score)
32. Epilogue (Score)
姚贝娜-随它吧 试听: http://jiluxinqing.allalla.com/mp3/20140723102138331.mp3